Thursday, August 25, 2011

Being an evil clown is hard work...

Starting this Saturday night, Wee Willie Wicked will be having a weekly webcast on This webcast is much like the typical horror movie host shows of yesteryear, and includes a feature film and some general horror based talking points. i.e. new horror releases, shows, and books.  

As I’m sure you can assume this Wee Willie Wicked costume requires a certain amount of make-up and even a prosthetic. And, the prosthetic requires glue to stick it on. But, you can’t just use Elmer’s or super glue…heh heh (don’t think I wasn’t pondering it). The type of glue made for this application is called Spirit Glue and normally, around Halloween, most stores have an ample supply on hand. However, on August 25th this can be a rather cumbersome item to find (and that’s when the Elmer’s and Super Glue pondering Coincidently, I usually stock up quite well every year and rarely have this dilemma. Regardless, I did and set out searching for it at various stores.

As luck would have it, I was heading to a craft store (my last option) and much to my surprise, there just happened to be a Halloween store in the same plaza. Imagine that?

As I made my way toward the doors, I worried whether the store was even open yet. Then, I saw the interior lights on and people bustling about inside and grew hopeful.

At the entrance doors I opened them and walked in. There were boxes, both opened and closed, scattered about and many stockers hanging this and placing that. Quickly it became obvious that the store wasn’t open for business just yet. My black heart sank.

But then a funny thing happened. The manager (at least he gave me that impression) looked up from his chore and I started mentioning my dilemma. A nearby stocker said he just happened to have that product in an open box and he proceeded to reach in and pull the package out. The manager took hold of it and walked toward me. My black heart turned grey as I told him that I was writer Thomas Scopel and Wee Willie Wicked was my evil alter ego clown that I was planning on creating a webcast show with, and that he should expect to see me rather often (since I adore Halloween stores and will probably pick up another clown outfit this year).

Of course, with one problem solved and another problem reared its ugly head…no cash register yet and I only had a limited amount of cash with me. Without the cash register, debit or a credit card wasn’t possible and the cash I had wasn’t quite enough to cover the total cost. Well wouldn’t you know it, he handed me the glue and winked. I pulled the money from my wallet and handed him what I had and insured him that I would cover the little remaining bit on a return visit when they were open. He said no problem and I profusely thanked him.

Although I didn’t get his name, the store is located on International Boulevard in Daytona Beach in the corner of the Home Depot, Toys Are Us and Hobby Lobby plaza. As I previously mentioned, they are not open for business just yet, but they will be soon and from what I saw, they will offer everything and thus, I highly recommend going there for all your Halloween needs.

And so, I now have everything I need in order to put on the Staying Scared with Wee Willie Wicked webcast show. I’ll see you Saturday night at midnight…Moohahahahah!


  1. Cool blog! This store sounds great but it's a long ride on my bicycle-about 1800 miles.


  2. Then ya better get started...heh heh. I'll be streaming from Facebook too. Been designing all day and setting this webcast up all week. Looking forward to getting back to writing. Now that it's all set up, it basically runs itself.

    Stay Scared,
    W.W. Wicked
